Saturday, April 19, 2008


Clearly today was a productive day at work. Strangely enough we have not been ridiculously busy the past few weekends. I haven't been sure what to do with all the extra time. I've actually had time to go to the bathroom, eat, and read a magazine! IISboy was nice enough to call me this morning and we had a nice chat under the guise of "calling for copies." You know things have been bad at the pharmacy when my coworker says, "IISgirl, someone on line 2 asked for you by name," and I ask, "Do they sound angry?"

The other memorable part of the day consisted of another intern and I emptying desiccant packages into a big vial (I believe it was an empty budeprion xl bottle) until it was entirely full of silica gel particles and shaking it around like a maracca. It killed about 30 minutes of time. This idea came about at around 2:30PM, actually, so we ended up having to dig through the trash to find all of the day's discarded desiccants.

Then I realized that the maracca was producing a lot of dust, and breathing it will probably cause silicosis of the lungs, a nasty chronic inflammatory condition. So as a final act before we got rid of our potentially hazardous concoction, we decided to test its absorbency, since its whole point is to protect important things like shoes and drugs from moisture.

Apparently adding (several ounces of) water to desiccants causes an exothermic reaction, and a bunch of heat generated very quickly. We couldn't hold the bottle anymore. We were afraid that it might melt all over the counter, so we threw it in the trash and then monitored the trash for the next hour to make sure it didn't catch fire. As of 3:59 when I left, the trash had not caught fire, so it's out of my hands now.

By the way; for being a desiccant, it wasn't as absorbent as I thought it would be, and I certainly don't want an exothermic reaction happening every time some moisture seeps into my bottle of Vicodin.

IISboy tried to call me out in his last post, but I am still too scatter-brained to write the essay that I would undoubtedly compose.

--IISgirl ... I have a Saturday night off work! I don't know what to do with myself!

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