Monday, April 14, 2008

Pre-Test Anger

So its that time of the semester again...Finals. It is the most magical time of the year for me- the time in which I begin to understand what the professor has been saying for the past few months and for the first time I feel like I actually know something. Finals week (or weeks for us) is also the time in which those annoying people in my class begin to get even more annoying...they are constantly saying, "ohhh buddyyy--are you ready!???" or "aww im totally going to fail...just kill me!" Oh My God. The world does not understand how seriously I get pissed off when someone comes to me and bitches me out because I am not complaining or as nervous as they are about an upcoming exam.
For instance today...we had an exam later into the day and we still had lecture this morning, so for this 3 hour lag time I was beginning to freak out just because the people around me are going psycho! What the hell? I feel like I am going to fail just because the dumbass next to me is so damn jittery it looks like he's gonna drop a brick in his Fruit of the Looms. Sit your ass down and breathe!!!!!

This is why I don't like to study with anyone...I am not antisocial because I totally love to be around people, but I do not want to second guess my confidence (btw I am not that smart...I just am really confident in what I know) and go crazy! I just want to sit down review my stuff and take the damn exam---not waste my time and contemplate with others on what is or is not going to be on an the hell is that gonna help me if I'm not spending the time to actually learn that stuff!?

So people if you are one of the million that goes crazy before an exam (it is good to stress, a little) leave me the HELL alone!

Its not like I go into study groups and sit down with a smug look and just say "fucking losers--this shit is easy!" (Those people fuckin make me even more angrier!)

So basically my point is...
I dont really have a point, I just needed to vent and I'm sure there are many of you out there that can relate to this and feels just as much, if not more, anger about stupid nervous people as I do.

---Your Angry (and stressed out) Intern---

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