Tuesday, September 22, 2009

More Stupid Patients....

Hey everyone, I know it's been a while since we updated this and we apologize. Aside from the amount of studying we put in, the hours we intern, and the time it takes from recovering from acute liver toxicity we really couldn't find time to rant about anything.
I feel that I have become so accustomed to the ridiculous nature of Pharmacy Practice that nothing really surprises me enough to find it worthy to share. But throughout this past summer there have been some minor occurrences that made me realize people are genuinely retarded...here's one

(background: my pharmacy does not carry morphine and morphine related substances)

A woman comes to the drop off/input window carrying a crying infant and hands me a script. While I am looking at it, she asks me where are the breast pumps. Before answering her, I realized it was a script for oxycodone 5mg TID #60. I told her we don't carry it and she was very agitated but asked me again for the item, I pointed her to the right direction and asked her if the script was for her, and she said yes. I warned her that if she is breast feeding the drugs can possibly pass through the milk at that dose but she obviously didn't care and was getting an attitude. I offered to call the doctor and have him change the medication to something safer for her and the child but at that point she was yelling at me, so I took my red pen/sharpie and wrote on the back- patient is breast feeding...call doctor. Bye.

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