Thursday, May 29, 2008

It was kind of a slow evening.

So there I was at Drug Depot, typing the following prescription:

Lamisil 1% cream
Apply to a.a. BID as directed x 1 week
#1 tube

Now, at Drug Depot, Terbinafine cream comes in a box that either says "Athlete's Foot Relief" or "Jock Itch Relief." I was standing in the OTC aisle, wondering to what "affected area" the patient was applying said cream, and which box I should select.

It wasn't a hard choice, really--of course I was going to give them the Jock Itch box, just for comedic value.

Jock Itch Relief box in hand, I went back to my computer to finish typing the prescription. Squinting to figure out the doctor's name, I suddenly burst out laughing, because it was incredibly apropos, almost as apropos as an orthopedic surgeon having the last name of Bones.

Let's just say this doctor's last name combined two words that quite literally mean pruritus of the genitalia, but in slightly cruder language. Oh the irony, Dr. Pruritisofthegenitalia prescribing medication to treat the very condition for which he is named!

Maybe I'm immature, but I thought it was funny.

Oh yeah some chick with MRSA came in tonight, too. It was kind of her to tell me what the big nasty sore on her forearm was from. I spent about 5 minutes dousing my hands with soap and rubbing alcohol after we got her out of the pharmacy and I had dropped a big nuclear bomb of bleach on the counter. Honestly I think I might have a bit of mysophobia. And to be honest that is really quite problematic for someone who deals with sick people all day.

--IISgirl ... MUST. WASH. HANDS.

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