Thursday, April 30, 2009

School's out for the summah!

Hey everyone,

Class ended a few days ago, so that means IISBoy and I are back after a stressful semester full of pharmacotherapy fun! I've got some stories to share, but right now I'm going to Hulu it up, and get caught up on all the episodes of House I missed this season.

I also need a nap and some Ibuprofen as I am trying to kick the mean caffeine addiction I develop every semester, and am going cold-turkey. Damn I could use a Mountain Dew...

Meanwhile, I am pretty much up to my ears in Tamiflu at work. Apparently the swine flu is serious business because the corporate powers that be saw fit to send dozens of boxes of it in our last warehouse order. (Unfortunately they didn't send us any of the Zocor or Vicodin we ordered, so this will be a fun week of out-of-stocks!) Anyway, I already received a few scripts from a few people "stocking up." These people are probably going to begin taking their Tamiflu in a panic next week when their seasonal allergies start acting up, and there goes $90 of medication.

--IISgirl ... I will probably have the swine flu for real next week, with many thanks to my patients who sneeze, cough, and otherwise excrete and secrete upon me on a daily basis

Friday, April 10, 2009

We SHALL return...but just not NOW


We WILL return with a bag full of stories to patient please!

Thanks for keeping up with IIS and requesting for more rants!

--IISBoy- trying to stay alive for the remainder of the school year!